How to get a fake Northwestern Polytechnic University degree? 购买美国西北工业大学文凭

Buy a fake Northwestern Polytechnic University degree. How to order a fake Northwestern Polytechnic University diploma? Where to purchase a fake NPU diploma and transcript in USA? Buy a fake degree certificate. Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), now known as San Francisco Bay University, is a private, nonprofit university located in Fremont, California. Founded in 1984, the university awards bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science, engineering, technology and management programs.
NPU was founded in 1984 by Dr. Ramsey Carter and Dr. Barbara Brown. Dr. George Hsieh served as the president of the university from 1991 to 2015. In 2022, the school was renamed San Francisco Bay University.
西北工业大学( NPU ),现称为旧金山湾大学,是一所位于加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市的私立非营利性大学。该大学成立于 1984 年,授予计算机科学、工程、技术和管理课程的学士和硕士学位。
NPU于1984年由Ramsey Carter博士和Barbara Brown博士创立,George Hsieh博士于1991年至2015年担任大学校长,2022年学校更名为旧金山湾大学。